Oral Presentation Sub22 Conference

Muti-physical imaging of the Curnamona Province (17499)

Graham Heinson 1 , Ben Kay 1 , Goren Boren 1 , Stephan Thiel 2 , Kate Brand 2
  1. Department of Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  2. Geological Survey of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia

The Curnamona Province is a Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic domain that hosts the Broken Hill Pb-Zn ore body and several IOCG type Cu-Au deposits but is mostly covered in Neoproterozoic to Quaternary cover. For the last two years, the Province has been the focus of gridded broadband MT and passive seismics surveys funded by AuScope as the Curnamona Cube project. The grids have various scale-lengths but cover the dimensions of the Province of about 400 km west-east and 400 km north-south. The primary aim of the project is to determine the physical properties of the Province to the depth of the mantle transition zone at 400 km, hence generating a cube of model data. The Curnamona Cube also include other geophysical data and models (notably from AEM, magnetics and gravity), geochemical data and CRC Minex drilling results. In this talk, we’ll present the primary outcomes of the different approaches and develop statistical fuzzy cluster methods to broadly integrate the different physical properties in a 3D context. The Curnamona Cube will thus link observational data at the surface with lower crustal and upper mantle heterogeneity, to better understand the 4D metallogenic geodynamic processes in this greenfields region.

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