Oral Presentation Sub22 Conference

Natural Hydrogen Concept Selection – A collaborative engagement enabled through digital integrations (17239)

Luke Titus 1 , Billy Hadi Subrata 1 , Kyle Wimbridge 2
  1. Gold Hydrogen, Paddington, QLD, Australia
  2. Schlumberger Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Gold Hydrogen are the current title holders for Exploration License 687 in South Australia. After initial investigations on historical wells in the area, it has been confirmed that this land has the potential for sustaining the production of significant volumes of natural hydrogen. These potential resources, combined with the existing and proposed infrastructure within the area, provides a promising opportunity to make a significant contribution to the global push towards a low carbon economy. After taking the initial risk to develop an industry leading decarbonised energy source, the focus for Gold Hydrogen now turns to ensuring they choose the best path forward.

With the initial assessments completed, the Gold Hydrogen team have partnered with Schlumberger as we work together to achieve a high level of assurance for resource availability and to develop conceptual plans for successfully delivering the hydrogen resources to the market. To achieve this, we will be focusing on three key areas of the project development.

  1. The first focus area will be the delivery a full subsurface characterisation to reduce the resource uncertainty and identify potential field development plans.
  2. A second focus area will be on the completion of a concept selection study to identify the optimum surface infrastructure configurations based on the expected production volumes available.
  3. The final area of focus will be the development of a fit for purpose conceptual well design for the wells.

All three focus areas will also include a focus on economical evaluations to ensure that all suggested paths forward are both technically and economically feasible.


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  • Acknowledgements: Schlumberger Australia & Project Ramsay Team